Wednesday, February 24, 2016

On the Principle of "Everything" akin to a Theory of Everything, Part Three

I recently posted a extended on an old professor's Facebook page, which is being made available here:

"Hey Tom, with all the recent sensationalism on the "discovery" or detection of gravitational waves, I was wondering should you or anyone who has studied at Cornell feel stupid? I mean...our eyes have been detecting gravitational waves for a really long time...we call them "tides" (ie, the moon's fluctuating gravitational wave on the bodies of water covering the earth's surface), but even with Einstein's genius slip and failure to see the same leaves me questioning, how intelligent are we? Gravitational waves change the distance between objects...where a tide is a change in wave height on a body of water and the distance of shore covered by the sea. Uh...are we really that stupid, as a species, that we had to build such an expensive machine to "detect" gravitational waves, when by that very definition, we've been observing and detecting waves with our very own eyes with tides due to the moon's gravitational rotation around the earth? It's kinda cool too, if you consider that all subatomic particles or waves are not separate entities, but wave-particles, where particle like behavior is observed where compression of the wave occurs, and more wave like behavior in emptier spacetime through which the wave-particle travels. Also, consider this...pinch a torus and you have the observation of a particle, and the displaced spacetime or energymatter converting into additional wave like behavior...this sounds a lot like electron energy fields. All subatomic "particles" are waveparticles that are mathematically explained as the function of a torus...what's a torus, the representation of the path of a circle around a given point. Bound that area, and then "compress" the circle, and some really interesting things are going to be discovered! And at's an article on "Here's the first person to detect those gravitational waves." And it took 1000 physicists to work on LIGO, lol. So dead wrong on that one, we've all detected gravitational waves.

LMFAO!!!! I hope the "This doesn't look like science" box appears on this posting, because a lot of "science" was conducted on a natural phenomenon that we just couldn't wrap our minds around. I changed the html programming for the hyperlink simply with double hyphens and bestedSicenceMag.Org's and Facebook's linking me, that's sorta a representation of another black hole...apparently there's some sort of field in astronomy dedicated to mathematical modeling (computer calculation, modeling and animation) of gravitational waves that is very Atari Pong in mental reasoning...uh, the mathematical equations to represent them for 2-D, 3-D, and other dimensional modeling, as well as computer representation are not difficult at all...I've been having my problem wrapping and warping my mind around, lol, but splicing waveparticles as one or the other is a mental roadblock in and of itself. Hope you don't mind my sharing them with you once I work them out. What I know for sure is this: the gravity bounded in the singularity prior to the Big Bang is the summation of all gravity in the Universe; think of it as gravity existing only as a particle in the singularity just prior to the Big Bang and as a wave throughout the rest of spacetime.

Here's a newly published article from, explaining the exact same thing:

As I stated in Part One, "Without complicated mathematics nor scientific theorems, designations of chemicals, elements, nor subatomic particles, is a "Principle of Everything," that in time will be scientifically proven..."Here's to saying, "I told you so," while no one is really listening.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

On the Principle of "Everything" akin to a Theory of Everything, Part Two

"The Writing is on the Wall"

Held Verbally and Spiritually, Personally and Publicly, beginning at sundown on February 13, 2016 through sundown on February 16, 2016: An Intercalary; One day of the 45... Which Day?  Only the Lord knows.

''How blessed is anyone who waits to reach for and arrive at the completion of 1,335 days." Daniel 12:12. For it is no longer, "As for you, go your way till the end of your days. You will slumber, resting peacefully and arise at the end of all days to receive your allotted inheritance," (Ibid, 13), for the allotment is soon...RISE! "When that time comes,מיכאל, the great prince who champions your people, SHALL RISE UP! ... at THIS TIME Righteous, Holy Yisra'el,ישוע ('Jesus...עמנואל)!" Ibid, 1. "Many resting in the dust SHALL RISE UP, their inheritance being rewarded, some to Everlasting Life, some to Everlasting Death." Ibid, 2. "While some who can discern be made anew as Sons of God, and those few who turn many to righteousness be made Eternal as our Father Himself!" Ibid, 3.

This time is not 'soon,' but NOW!

"Look! I am sending my messenger
to clear the way before me;"
As Elijah, cursing the damned to death in fire, and John, baptizing and washing anew in living water.
"and THE LORD, whom you seek,
will suddenly come to his temple.
Yes, the messenger of the covenant,
in whom you take such delight -- look! Here he comes."
Says El Shaddai!"
Malachi 3

You can also review my Twitter and Facebook feeds for this three day period for additional commentary.

For additional reading, see Malachi 3, and in non-Hebrew based translations, Malachi 4. For future deference, I said this is "On the Principle of "Everything."

Thursday, February 11, 2016

On the Principle of "Everything" akin to a Theory of Everything, Part One

A review of the Theory of Everything can be found at

In an earlier posting, a muse was tugging at my chest, beckoning the slumbering poet within and I wrote "An Eternal Present Moment."

Racing tangent thoughts rev my mind...
Today is the summation of my being,
Driven to the present by past failures and achievements,
Propelled towards a future of tomorrow's hopes...
Stricken by fear of what might not be,
Pulled back to overcome yesterday's mistakes...
Today is the summation of my being, its value eternal.
Do I dare forget to live today?

Truth be told...during that time in my life, several years ago now, I had just fallen in love, but as many times before, I was remained of what it is to truly face one's fears: we fear not what is, but what might not be.  We may fear not living while tomorrow is still today, dying while yesterday is never tomorrow with all its unspent desire, not living, not laughing, not loving, not being.

Perhaps, perchance, one may speculate or contemplate, and invitingly play the devil's advocate...

On a tangent thought, just a few days ago I met a young man who spiritually felt that simply being told "No" is a rebuke; I quoted Jude 9 to him and he retorted in anger that I was on the brink of blasphemy, but all I could tell him was ,"the Lord rebuke thee brother;" for not only did the man accuse me of eviscerating the scripture, but did so hypocritically: Jude 8 states ..."despise godly authority and insult angelic beings," it became evident that the young man lacked an understanding of a commandment in Christian theology that even the "angelic being" Satan be given respect and that even if the Archangel Mikha'el lacks authority to rebuke Satan, but must say, "the Lord rebuke thee," for only "the Lord," or "God" has authority to rebuke, then who is this young man to formulate in his head that one who tells him "No" is rebuking him...Reference Jude 8, "...despise godly authority," in other words, one who does not like being told he is wrong...BTW, Atheist, don't touch this one...I can already here retorts of circular reasoning, the oh so great Sophistry of a real devil, "all knowing, all reasoning man," a delusional concept unto itself, for the young man in question is a Christian believer, one who would be called "A Brother in Christ, By His anointing," and was discussing theology and a concept inherent to the philosophy expressed by Miyamoto Musashi in The Book of Five Rings."

This leads me to quote Musashi: "What I call the void is where nothing exists.  It is about things outside man's knowledge.  Of course the void does not exist.  By knowing what exist, you can know that which does not exist.  That is the void."  Interestingly, this void mentioned by Musashi can be likened, or viewed as akin to the aloneness GOD experiences that is hinted at by Hebrew and Muslim faiths, that on my lowly human I can only surmise as my approach at fear:

When stuck between an exhale of relief or a sigh, breathe.  Life goes on.  "Do I dare forget to live today?"

For that young man, I can only say this: The errors of our youth are God's grace by which we overcome to live a worthy life.  Sadly, too many never realize this truth while the rest seem to hold those errors against one another...and fail to keep the second half of God's greatest one another as you love yourself.  And note, it doesn't say "friend or enemy," in fact our mutual belief should dictate we love our enemy as much as a friend.  That a moment in time exists where this was not achieved is, as Musashi attempted to explain, "a void."  A void moment where either, or both of us, failed to love one another and worse yet, love God as much as we should.
"Today is the summation of my being, Driven to the present by past failures and achievements."  Greater of a master am I, young sir, than Musashi, for I look at the void, as you stated, "perceive that not seen," from The Ultimate's perspective, not yours, nor mine...for, the pupil, Musashi, failed to perceive it this way and now I lay it out simply for you: how is the void filled? Be a blade poised to strike, this is a loaded question...and still, the unseen, the potential void lingers.  And until you can accept "No"as a heartfelt, friendly rebuttal, you have deviated far from the Way of the Warrior, long ago smothering your twofold spirit, blinding your ken and kan.   And as I said, what is it that the other believes in, well..."What you believe in often proves to be contrary to the true way, distorted as it is by tendencies to favor your own thoughts and views." Quotes from The Book of Five Rings: The Book of the Void, Miyamoto Musashi.

So, here or there, there, feel free to play devil's advocate with this idea about the universe...  Without complicated mathematics nor scientific theorems, designations of chemicals, elements, nor subatomic particles, is a "Principle of Everything," that in time will be scientifically proven...

And I begin by leaving you with a thought experiment:

Imagine your existence without the universe existing.  This is Ku (emptiness)...this is aloneness...this is wisdom.

Now imagine, that your own existence, along with every single other person's existence, out of all space-time and energy-matter can only occupy the amount of space and time, and take the amount of matter and exert the amount of energy that will ever take up your life in an amount of space, and if measured as time, the infinitesimal period at the end of this sentence.

The truth is, even that is not accurate or true...for by it's very definition, the Big Bang is a singularity: it is something that does not exist, even infinitesimally momentarily.

"Sweet disposition...reckless abandon...a moment of truth, a moment of love..."

So to the one I fell in love with that tugged on my heart like a muse...I always you...and though I will fail, protect you from evil.