Saturday, March 26, 2016

Kygo - Firestone ft. Conrad Sewell

Sunday, March 6, 2016

On the Principle of "Everything" akin to a Theory of Everything, Part Four

Held Publicly over Purim, ending on March 7th.

Einstein, for simplification of reasoning, mental comprehension, mathematical empiricism and presentation in a 2-dimensional model, condensed the concept of space and time into one dimension.

The mathematics of time itself, however, as for the very reason of the model's simplification itself, is that there are an infinite dimensions not only to space but time as well.  Failure to identify, or even comprehend one of these infinite dimensions, though, is the shot of gunfire about to eviscerate scientist and atheist logical hearts.

Let's consider that space, although we know otherwise, is constant. with regards to time.  This framework for theoretical reasoning is not behest Einstein; in fact, his theories of relativity are that the observation of space is relativistic to time and that time is not quantified (or six quantizied) over a given spatial reference of dimension.  This, as atheist and some scientist like to argue of religion or the existence of God being a circular argument, is the red herring and finite conundrum that some oh so enlightened, yet absolutely dumbfounded, moronic babbling monkey heads have yet to wrap the feeble minds around:

The dimension of time is defined as:
     t = n ^ (-1/n)
          n ^  0
          n ^ (1/n)

As n approaches 0 in the n ^ (-1/n), the equation approaches undefinable; to explain this is what science is all about.  What can't be explained by this has often been credited to the Hand of God.  n ^ 0 is equal to 1; which encompasses all knowledge and what wisdom is imparted to every living human soul; this free and unbounded to the acceptance of a "Higher Power," THAT NO MATTER HOW COMPLICATED DEVISED BY THE IMAGINATION OF MAN IS SIMPLY:

     T = N ^ N FOR N > 1, or SIMPLY T = N ^ 1, for N can simply be defined as Infinity by any man's imagination.

For n ^ (1/n), n approaches n from both a negative and positive integer, bounded by the limit n.  Considering that n can be defined as negative n and that theoretically, the square root of n should consist of the the negative square root of n, the positive square root of n and the square root of negative n given as the"i," or imaginary, negative and positive square root of n.  That in simplification of numerous scientific theories, this required theoretical simplification has been taken advantage of, and rather than being defined has been neglected, overlooked and failed at meaningful interpretation that ardent atheist and scientist do not acknowledged: this permutation, repetition of sequence, array, or assay of existence is circular, by it's very definition, "IMAGINATIVE."

They say the devil is in the details, well, perhaps, it was a dragon...but I like to think, it was more like a Chinese Dragon of Creation....something both the witnesses in Revelation 14 do...but isn't looked upon as a defiler, deceiver but as a Son of Morning, Singing His Glory, His Design of Creation into Existence.

So here's my William Tell, surefire shot, apple flawing, falling Newtonian, Euclid's Eureka, shining brightly beyond an ephemeral epiphany (E = mc ^ 2) Einstein's watch throwing, rock pocketing, relativistic, Song Before the Saints, My Song of His, not my Glory, and Praise Hint:

Did you find the scribbled graph in the library? Or did you just through it in the trash...for what ever reasons that may have run through your imagination.  The One True God does not do the same :-)  And yeah, he winks "overlooks" humors us, loves us, breaks us, chastises...but increasingly less often rebukes.  "And my rebuke shall be taken away from humanity." A'hem. LOL.

Hey, Love...I got the message, "A7."  Count them...I got to eight, beat 'ya, up-oned you, one more than you...we still keeping score?  Been trying to move past that thought ever since I admitted my, not in war...please, let's not go there...I "technically" got into the infinitesimal and infinite too.  So dada, dodo, dokie that really 10? Haha. Yer aint sippised twah sed sew.  Wait, that's 1, 2, 3, is that really 4....and another 1, 2, 3, 4...I'm out of fingers and toes that's 11, 12, 13, 14 ,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 too right...?!?!?! Ju firgut ventione.

He and I are one...he rips me to pieces eternally anyway...well, until I can do so altruistically of my own volition.  Difference between the and an..."A'hem, LOL."

Wherever time is disrupted, or annihilated for any qunatized particle in creation or the universe upon which the Higgs Boson imparts mass, gravity forms that is equal to the summation torus energy as though it existed at it's highest level of entropy throughout the entire duration of the universe; how chaotic and free for all were things beyond the event horizon that existed in the singularity just prior to this universe's big entropic to what it returns in the endless gravity wells of a big rip, big crunch, or cold death, and just as misanthropic to boot too...but then, that's just an idea that really doesn't warrant second thought, now does it...

But what about Dancing, Mexican, Monkeys...

Or Never Feeling So Small Under All Those Stars,
Or Never Pointless, But Forever Speechless....

 Y'all been Yellow...Each and every single one of you...can you see my inquisitive eye peering into yours?